Author Archive Sam V.

How to Convert a UPC/EAN Code to an ASIN on Amazon

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Convert a UPC/EAN Code to an ASIN on Amazon

Step 1: Understand the Basics

  • UPC (Universal Product Code): A 12-digit barcode used primarily in North America for retail products.
  • EAN (European Article Number): A 13-digit barcode used internationally for retail products.
  • ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number): A unique 10-character alphanumeric identifier used by Amazon for product identification within its catalog.

Step 2: Prepare the UPC/EAN Code

Ensure you have the correct UPC or EAN code for the product. This code is usually found on the product packaging or can be obtained from the manufacturer or a reseller.

Step 3: Access Amazon’s Product Listing Search

Open your web browser and navigate to the Amazon website (
Ensure you are signed into your Amazon account.

Step 4: Use the Search Function

In the Amazon search bar, type the UPC or EAN code.
Press “Enter” or click on the search icon.

Step 5: Identify the Product

If the product is listed on Amazon, it should appear in the search results.
Click on the product to open its detailed page.

Step 6: Find the ASIN

On the product detail page, scroll down to the “Product Information” section.
Look for the “ASIN” field. It is usually listed alongside other identifiers like the UPC, EAN, model number, etc.

Note down the ASIN.

Step 7: Use Third-Party Tools (Optional)

If the product does not appear in the search results, you can use third-party tools and databases that might have the ASIN for the given UPC/EAN. Some popular tools include:

  • UPCItemDB: Enter the UPC/EAN code to get details, including the ASIN.
  • GS1 Database: This is useful if you have a subscription or access.
  • Online Barcode Converters: Several websites offer conversion services.

Step 8: Verify the ASIN

Ensure that the ASIN corresponds to the correct product by cross-referencing the product details like title, description, and images.

Step 9: Automate the Process (Advanced)

For businesses or frequent users, automating the conversion process might be beneficial.

1. Amazon MWS (Marketplace Web Service):

Amazon’s API for accessing product information programmatically.

    a) Register for Amazon MWS and get your API keys.

    b) Use the Product Advertising API to search for products using UPC/EAN and retrieve the ASIN.

    2. Custom Scripts:

    a) Use programming languages like Python along with libraries such as requests or boto3 (Amazon SDK for Python).

    b) Write scripts to query Amazon’s databases and extract ASINs using UPC/EAN.

    Example Python Script (Using ‘requests‘ library):

    import requests
    def get_asin_from_upc(upc):
    url = f"{upc}" # Example endpoint
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        return data.get('asin')
        return None
    upc_code = "123456789012"
    asin = get_asin_from_upc(upc_code)
    print(f"The ASIN for UPC {upc_code} is {asin}")

    c) Replace the example API endpoint with the actual endpoint you are using.

    Step 10: Maintain a Database

    For large inventories, maintain a local database that maps UPC/EAN codes to their corresponding ASINs to avoid repetitive searches.


    Converting a UPC/EAN code to an ASIN on Amazon can be straightforward using Amazon’s search feature, but for businesses and power users, leveraging APIs and maintaining databases can significantly streamline the process.

    How to get UPC Codes (Efficient and Budget-Friendly Method)

    If venturing into Amazon sales excites you, then understanding Amazon UPC codes is essential. These codes play a pivotal role for online sellers, serving as the cornerstone within the product ID section of your Amazon listing. Without a valid code in this field, your product can’t hit the digital shelves.

    Amazon mandates the use of “GS1 UPC codes” for finalizing product listings. It’s important to note that creating your own UPC code won’t fly with Amazon’s policies. So, let’s delve into the basics of procuring a UPC code tailored for Amazon, and discover where to snag them affordably. (Plus, we’ve got an exclusive 15% discount code waiting for you below!).

    First things first

    Decoding UPC Numbers

    A UPC (Universal Product Code), commonly known as a “Barcode,” is a unique 12-digit identifier assigned to products sold both offline and online. Compliant with GS1 specifications, these codes facilitate seamless product scanning at the point of sale. Adhering to the GS1 standard is crucial, as any deviation could breach Amazon’s terms of service.

    Do You Really Need a UPC Code for Amazon?

    Absolutely. You can’t proceed with listing a product on Amazon without a UPC code. It’s the linchpin for populating the product ID field during listing creation. If you’re reselling a product that already bears a barcode, you’re in luck – simply input that code into the product ID section.

    Navigating the Amazon Product ID Section

    UPCs and EANs reign supreme as the most common product IDs on Amazon. These codes are widely used across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and other Western European nations.

    Where to Secure UPC Codes for Amazon?

    While some opt for the allure of cheap codes on platforms like eBay, the risk of snagging recycled codes looms large. Amazon could perceive your products as fraudulent, potentially leading to account shutdowns.

    The smarter move? Source your UPC codes from reputable GS1 resellers like They bulk-purchased their codes directly from GS1 (former UCC), enabling them to offer competitive prices sans renewal fees. Rest assured, stands behind their codes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Purchasing UPC Codes for Amazon (with Visuals)

    1. Head to a trusted UPC codes vendor’s website (We recommend

      2. Pick the desired quantity of barcodes

        3. Click on “Add to cart” button and proceed to Checkout

        4. Fill required fields and click “Place order” button

        5. Go to your Email and Download an Excel spreadsheet of your barcodes

        6. Create new Amazon product listing

        7. Input the purchased UPC code into the product ID field to validate its uniqueness

        8. Finalize your Amazon listing

          Demystifying Amazon Product ID Terminology:

          ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number):

          This unique 10-character alphanumeric catalog number is assigned by Amazon upon listing creation.

          GCID (Global Catalog Identifier):

          Primarily relevant for established brands, GCIDs are unique identifiers assigned by Amazon for brand-registered products.

          GTIN (Global Trade Item Number):

          A 14-digit code encompassing various barcode standards, including UPCs and EANs. For simplicity, stick to UPC codes for new product listings.

          Common FAQs About UPC Codes for Amazon Sellers:

          How many UPC codes do I need per Amazon listing?

          Just one UPC code suffices per new product listing, regardless of the quantity of items listed.

          Do I enter the UPC code under “product I.D.” when creating a new Amazon listing?

          Yes, select “UPC” from the dropdown menu and input the complete code from left to right.

          Are UPC codes identical for the same product?

          Yes, the same product warrants the same UPC code. Adjust the quantity when listing identical products.

          Do I need to purchase a UPC code, if I want to sell a product with other sellers in the same listing, which is already listed on Amazon?

          No, opt for the ASIN option in the product ID dropdown and input the active listing’s ASIN number.

          Do I need new UPC code if I want to create new generic listing?

          Yes, you need unique UPC code for product listing that is not listed on Amazon: generic products, kits and sets, noname small parts etc.

          Must UPC codes be physically affixed to each listed product?

          No, one UPC code can cover multiple identical items. The code’s purpose is solely for listing, not physical product labeling.

          What’s the deal with GS1 barcodes?

          GS1 barcodes adhere to a standardized format, essential for Amazon compliance. Ensure your barcodes meet GS1 standards.

          In Summary

          UPC codes are the gateway to initiating product listings on Amazon, requiring just one code per product variation. Don’t stress over UPC intricacies; focus on kickstarting your Amazon venture. And hey, if you’re eager to dive deeper, consider exploring our blog for beginners, designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs like you.

          Ready to embark on your Amazon journey? Click here to learn more…

          Get your discount coupon code -15% for 2024-2025 and use it at checkout:


          Have a great sales!

          *Titile image by storyset on Freepik

          How to Buy UPC Codes for Amazon in 2024 from Third-Party Sellers

          In the vast realm of e-commerce, selling on Amazon has become increasingly popular due to its expansive reach and potential for profitability. However, to list your products on Amazon, you need UPC (Universal Product Code) codes, which serve as unique identifiers for each product.

          While Amazon used to require sellers to obtain UPC codes directly from GS1 (the organization that now manages UPC codes) it now accepts codes from third-party sellers as well, because codes issued before 2002 can be legally resold by third party sellers (please see Claim and UCC Settlement Agreement ).

          And such UPC codes also have no expiration date and renewal fees (as it is in GS1 now) – and this is great news for us, online sellers!

          Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to buy UPC codes for Amazon from third-party sellers in 2024:

          Understand Amazon’s UPC Code Requirements

          Before purchasing UPC codes from third-party sellers, familiarize yourself with Amazon’s requirements. Amazon accepts UPC codes from GS1 or from third-party sellers that meet specific criteria. As we know – each UPC must correspond to a unique product, so it cannot be reused or assigned to multiple products. All codes must match GS1 database as well.

          1. Choose a Reputable Third-Party Seller

          Selecting a reliable third-party seller is crucial to ensure the legitimacy and validity of the UPC codes you purchase. Look for sellers with a proven track record, positive reviews, and transparent policies. Check their domain address vis scam checkers, see if they have social pages and contact address.

          2. Verify the Legitimacy of the UPC Codes

          Before making a significant purchase, verify that the UPC codes offered by the third-party seller are legitimate and comply with Amazon’s requirements. Order one or few codes at first to make sure they legit. Check if the seller provides replace or refund policy.

          3. Research Pricing and Packages

          Compare pricing and package options offered by different third-party sellers. Some sellers may offer bulk discounts or packages tailored to specific needs, such as a certain number of UPC codes for a set price.

          4. Ensure Unique and Unused Codes

          Confirm that the UPC codes you purchase are unique and have not been previously assigned to other products. Reusing UPC codes or using codes that have been assigned to multiple products can lead to issues such as listing removal or account suspension on Amazon: check several UPC databases over Internet by pasting one of your recently bought test UPC.

          5. Review Terms of Service and Policies

          Before finalizing your purchase, carefully review the terms of service and policies of the third-party seller. Pay attention to refund or exchange policies, as well as any guarantees regarding the authenticity and uniqueness of the UPC codes.

          6. Complete the Purchase Process

          Once you’ve selected a third-party seller and reviewed their offerings, proceed with the purchase process. Provide the necessary information and payment details to complete the transaction securely.

          7. Receive and Verify UPC Codes

          After purchasing the UPC codes, ensure that you receive them promptly from the third-party seller. Verify the codes to confirm their accuracy and uniqueness before using them to list your products on Amazon.

          8. Use UPC Codes to List Products on Amazon

          Once you’ve verified the UPC codes, use them to create product listings on Amazon. Enter the codes accurately when listing your products to ensure proper identification and categorization on the platform.

          9. Monitor Performance and Compliance

          Continuously monitor the performance of your listings on Amazon to ensure compliance with Amazon’s policies and guidelines. To avoid any issues related to UPC codes follow theit brand policy to maintain a positive selling experience.

          Where to buy UPC codes – see here:

          By following these steps, you can successfully purchase UPC codes for Amazon from third-party sellers and list your products on the platform with confidence.

          Remember to prioritize legitimacy, uniqueness, and compliance with Amazon’s requirements when selecting and using UPC codes for your e-commerce endeavors.

          Have a good sales!

          Frequently Asked Questions about UPC/EAN Codes

          Barcodes Explained:

          A barcode, also known as a bar code, is a distinctive sequence of digits used to identify products or items. The most common barcode formats are EAN (13 digits) and UPC (12 digits). These numbers can be converted into vertical black bar images. When scanned at a checkout counter, the barcode reveals product information on the screen.

          UPC Code Overview:

          The Universal Product Code (UPC) is a 12-digit barcode widely used for retail packaging in the United States. It is the most versatile and recognizable type of product code in the country, appearing on almost all retail products. The UPC consists of a barcode with a GTIN-12 number below it.

          EAN Code Explained:

          The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard used for product identification. It is a 12- or 13-digit code that uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer, and its attributes. Typically, the EAN is printed as a barcode on product labels or packaging. The EAN code is part of the European Article Numbering system.

          Do I Need Barcodes for My Products?

          We highly recommend obtaining barcodes for your products as many retailers are transitioning to barcode systems. While it may be optional for retailers to use barcodes, they greatly simplify the sales process and inventory management. In the future, some retailers, like Amazon now, might require barcodes for product listings.

          Difference Between UPC and EAN:

          UPC codes are commonly used in the United States, while EAN codes are used internationally. Nowadays, most places accept both UPC and EAN codes. If you plan to sell your products outside the United States, using an EAN code might be more suitable. EAN codes contain 13 digits, including a leading “0” in front of the GTIN-12 digit UPC code. Both UPC and EAN codes are functionally identical.

          Suitability of Our Barcodes for Retail Products:

          Yes, our barcodes are suitable for all retail products worldwide. They adhere to the EAN or UPC barcode standards, which are universally used.

          Do I Need to Be a Registered Company to Order Barcodes?

          No, you can purchase barcodes from us as an individual or a company. We provide barcodes without the requirement of company registration.

          Delivery of Barcodes:

          Upon ordering a barcode package through our website or via email, you will receive your barcode(s) by email in xls format by default. Upon request, we can deliver them in jpeg, png, txt, svg, pdf, or xlsx formats. Non-instant orders are delivered within one hour to a maximum of six hours.

          Global Compatibility of Barcodes:

          Yes, our barcodes work worldwide and are compatible with scanning systems globally.

          Why Choose Us for Barcode Purchase?

          Our company offers affordable barcodes at a one-time price with no annual fees or subscriptions. You own the barcodes for life and can use them as you wish. Additionally, we provide extra barcodes as a gift to our bulk customers. Our service is quick, processing orders within hours, and we offer instant packages for urgent barcode needs.

          Purchasing UPC/EAN Codes for Amazon:

          To purchase UPC/EAN codes for Amazon, simply visit our Pricing page, select the desired quantity, and proceed to checkout. The codes will be delivered within hours, or instantly for instant code purchases, after payment.

          What Will You Receive:

          All our barcodes are UCC (GS1) verified UPC/EAN numbers, accompanied by a lifetime guarantee. They are delivered via email within one hour to a maximum of six hours.

          Delivery Method:

          The delivery of barcodes is done through email to your registered email address. If you don’t see the email, please check your spam folder or contact us.

          What should I do if I haven’t received my order?

          If you haven’t received your order, please check your spam folder in your email. If you still can’t find it, feel free to contact us for assistance.

          How much does it cost to obtain a UPC?

          The cost of a single UPC is $1. However, the price per code decreases as you buy in larger quantities. For instance, if you purchase 100 codes, the cost per code will be as low as $0.12. You can find detailed pricing options on our Pricing page.

          Amazon requires 13 digits for the code, how can I fix this?

          To meet Amazon’s requirement for 13-digit codes, simply add a leading “0” to the UPC code you purchased, and it will resolve the issue.

          Will my UPC/EAN codes function flawlessly on Absolutely!

          Our UPC/EAN codes are guaranteed to be unique and unused, and they will work on Amazon. If you encounter any errors while listing your product on Amazon, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

          Please see our Amazon F.A.Q.

          When will I receive my barcodes after purchasing them?

          For non-urgent orders, you will receive your barcodes within a minimum of one hour and a maximum of six hours. Instant codes are delivered within one minute.

          Why does a different company show up when I search the GS1 database?

          The GS1 database retains the original prefix owner name even though the ownership of UPCs may change over time. This is why you may see an unfamiliar company listed. The database only indicates that the code is GS1 verified, and the listed name is the original prefix owner, not the current UPC owner. Rest assured that your codes will function properly on platforms like Amazon, Google Shopping, iTunes, etc., without any issues.

          Are the EAN codes I receive legitimate?

          Yes, the EAN codes provided by are unique, valid, and guaranteed to have never been issued to anyone.

          How can I retrieve my UPC/EAN codes after payment?

          Once your payment is processed, you will receive an email with your UPC/EAN codes within a few hours. If you’re selling on Amazon, they will generate barcodes/product labels automatically when you enter your UPC/EAN. If you need to manage your own or other stores using your UPC, you can use free barcode generators available online. E.g. this:

          Can I get a refund, if I can’t (or don’t want) to use UPC codes I’ve ordered

          Due to the digital nature of this product, we may offer a refund (full or partial) in exceptional cases where you have read our F.A.Q. and followed all the recommendations, but due to some objective circumstances (account restrictions, etc.) you were unable to use your codes and provided us with sufficient evidence of the impossibility of using them. Therefore, if you are a beginner or simply not sure about the purchase, please contact us or order a small number of codes to begin with (1-10 pcs), and then increase the volume of purchases.

          Do I need to register my UPC/EAN codes?

          No, there is no need to register your UPC/EAN codes. You only need to provide the codes to the retailer or distributor (e.g., Amazon, eBay, iTunes, Google) when requested. After you assign product info to your UPC, it will be linked forever and such UPC will feflect only your product.

          Will my UPC/EAN codes work in countries other than the USA and Canada?

          Yes, your UPC/EAN codes will work wherever UPC and EAN codes are scanned, regardless of the country.

          Are the UPC codes I receive legitimate?

          Yes, the UPC codes provided by are unique, valid, and guaranteed to have never been issued before. Our company prefixes were obtained prior to the changes in the GS1-US Licensing Agreement, making our provision of UPC codes completely legal.

          Will there be any renewal fees charged?

          No, we will never charge you any renewal fees or annual membership fees in the future. Our prices are one-time payments.

          Do I need separate UPC/EAN codes for each product?

          Yes, each unique product you sell requires a different UPC/EAN code. For example, if you have a phone case company and want to sell three different color cases of the same model, you’ll need three UPC/EAN codes. Similarly, if you have three different color cases in three different models, you’ll need a total of nine UPC/EAN codes.

          How can I register or link my barcodes to my products?

          We do not require your product or company information. The linking of your product details to your barcodes is done by the stores that sell your products. After purchasing the barcodes, you assign them to specific products, and then you provide this information to your retailers. They will enter the barcode number, product description, and price into their database, creating the link. You can easily purchase barcodes on our website, and upon purchase, you will receive the barcodes via email. Retailers, online stores, and supermarkets will add your barcode and product to their internal database systems. When the barcode is scanned, your product information will be displayed. Subsequently, it may appear in various UPC databases and aggregators worldwide.

          Do UPC/EAN codes expire?

          No, once you purchase UPC/EAN codes through our service, they are yours forever. There are no renewal fees or hidden expenses associated with them.

          Will my UPC/EAN codes be unique to me and my products?

          Yes, the UPC/EAN codes we provide originate from GS1-US and are guaranteed to be unique and never issued before. As the purchaser, you will be the only person legally allowed to use these codes for your products. If you need, we will issue Certificate of Ownership for your purchase upon request.

          Can I reuse UPC/EAN codes for different products once they are no longer in use?

          No, UPC/EAN codes are meant to uniquely identify a specific product. Once a code has been assigned to a product and used in the marketplace, it should not be reused for a different product. Each product should have its own unique code.

          Can I use UPC/EAN codes for digital or downloadable products?

          Yes, UPC/EAN codes can be used for digital or downloadable products. These codes help in identifying and tracking the products, whether physical or digital, in various databases and systems.

          Are UPC/EAN codes required for selling products on online marketplaces other than Amazon?

          While UPC/EAN codes are commonly used on various online marketplaces, the specific requirements may vary. It’s recommended to check the guidelines and requirements of each marketplace where you plan to sell your products to ensure compliance.

          Can I sell my products internationally using UPC/EAN codes?

          Yes, UPC/EAN codes are globally recognized and can be used to sell products internationally. These codes are scanned and accepted worldwide, allowing your products to be identified and tracked regardless of the country.

          Are UPC/EAN codes necessary for selling products in physical retail stores?

          Many physical retail stores require products to have UPC/EAN codes for inventory management and point-of-sale systems. It’s important to check with individual retailers to determine their specific requirements. Please note that if they do not require UPC now, it might change soon.

          Can I transfer my UPC/EAN codes to another company if I sell my business?

          No, UPC/EAN codes are not transferable between companies. If you sell your business, the new owner will need to obtain their own set of UPC/EAN codes for the products. Transfer unused codes is entirely your responsibility to your customers, UpcGo cannot support transferred codes.

          If you want to be a reseller, please contact us for details.

          What should I do if I need a large quantity of UPC/EAN codes?

          If you require a large quantity of UPC/EAN codes, it’s recommended to reach out to us in Contact page and we can provide guidance on obtaining bulk codes, payment options and prices (100k or more).

          Why do UPC/EAN codes cost less on than on GS1 and even other resellers?

          Our prices are lower than GS1 prices and most of resellers because we buy larger volumes of prefixes and pass the bulk buying advantage on to our customers. We are committed to making the process of obtaining barcodes more accessible to small and medium-sized businesses by providing quality codes at a competitive price.

          Have a good sales!

          Benefits of Purchasing UPC Codes from Third-Party Suppliers: A Guide for Online Sellers – Beginners

          Exploring the Benefits of Purchasing UPC Codes from Third-Party Suppliers: A Guide for Online Sellers – Beginners

          If you’re an online seller just starting out, you may be wondering about the legality and advantages of purchasing UPC codes from third-party suppliers. Let’s delve into the reasons why many businesses opt for this approach:

          1. Cost Savings: As a beginner, budget considerations are crucial. Purchasing UPC codes from third-party suppliers often offers significant cost savings compared to obtaining them directly from GS1 or other authorized agencies. This means you can allocate your limited resources more efficiently while still obtaining the necessary codes.
          2. Accessibility and Convenience: Third-party suppliers make acquiring UPC codes convenient and accessible, especially for beginners. The process is streamlined, allowing you to obtain codes quickly and easily. This saves you from dealing with complex application procedures and waiting periods associated with official sources.
          3. Flexibility and Customization: Third-party suppliers provide flexibility and customization options to cater to your specific needs. They offer packages with varying quantities of codes, allowing you to choose according to your product variations and expansions. This ensures your barcode requirements align with your business growth.
          4. Time Efficiency: Time is of the essence when launching your online business. Obtaining UPC codes directly from authorized agencies can involve lengthy application processes and waiting periods. By purchasing from third-party suppliers, you can bypass these potential delays, expedite your product launch, and streamline your distribution processes.
          5. Supplier Expertise and Support: Reputable third-party suppliers often possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in UPC codes and barcoding systems. They can guide you and provide valuable support, offering insights on best practices for implementing UPC codes and addressing any concerns or questions you may have. This support is especially beneficial for beginners in the world of barcoding.
          6. Wide Acceptance: While some retailers or industry sectors may require GS1-assigned UPC codes, many others accept UPC codes from various sources. This broad acceptance allows you to use the UPC codes purchased from third-party suppliers for selling your products across different channels without major obstacles.
          7. Market Competition: Purchasing UPC codes from third-party suppliers, like UpcGo, levels the playing field for online sellers, particularly smaller ones, by granting access to the same tools and resources as larger competitors. Having proper identification for your products through UPC codes enables you to compete effectively in the market, ensuring your products can be easily tracked and sold.

          In conclusion, purchasing UPC codes from third-party suppliers offers numerous benefits to online sellers starting their journey. These advantages include cost savings, accessibility, flexibility, time efficiency, supplier expertise and support, wide acceptance, and increased market competitiveness. By opting for third-party suppliers, you can obtain UPC codes that meet your needs while managing budgetary constraints and operational considerations.

          The history of the barcode

          The history of the barcode dates back to the early 20th century, when the grocery industry was rapidly growing and the need for an automated checkout system was becoming increasingly apparent. In the 1930s, grocery stores relied on manual systems for tracking inventory and pricing products, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. The idea of a machine-readable code that could be used to identify products and prices quickly and accurately was gaining momentum.

          Photo by RODNAE Productions

          The first barcode patent was filed by inventors Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver in 1949. They developed the idea of a “bull’s eye” code, which consisted of a series of concentric circles that could be read by a photoelectric cell. However, the technology to produce and read the code did not exist at the time, and it was not until the 1960s that the barcode concept was revisited.

          In the early 1960s, the grocery industry was booming and retailers were facing increasing pressure to find more efficient ways to manage inventory and speed up checkout times. The idea of the barcode resurfaced, and a team of engineers at IBM was tasked with developing a system that could read and decode the code in real-time.

          The IBM team came up with the Universal Product Code (UPC) system, which used a series of lines of varying thickness and spacing to represent numbers and letters. The system was first tested in a Kroger grocery store in Cincinnati in 1972, and was later adopted by other retailers across the United States.

          The barcode system revolutionized the retail industry by allowing for quick and accurate inventory management and checkout. It also paved the way for other applications of barcode technology, such as tracking packages and assets, identifying patients in hospitals, and scanning tickets at events.

          Today, the barcode is a ubiquitous technology that is used in a variety of industries worldwide. The original bull’s eye code and the UPC system have since been replaced by more advanced codes, such as QR codes and Data Matrix codes, which can store more information in a smaller space and can be read by smartphones and other mobile devices.

          In summary, the barcode was invented to meet the growing demand for an automated checkout system in the grocery industry. The concept was first developed in the 1940s but did not become a practical technology until the 1960s, when the IBM team developed the Universal Product Code system. The barcode revolutionized the retail industry and paved the way for other applications of barcode technology in a variety of industries.

          More to read:

          • Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland: “Invention of the Barcode” by David Lindsay, Smithsonian Magazine, October 2009
          • IBM: “A Brief History of Barcodes” by Stephen Slaybaugh, Tom’s Guide, June 2019
          • First barcode scanning system: “The History of Barcodes: From 1D to 2D and Beyond” by Jessica Thiefels, Business News Daily, January 2021
          • George Laurer: “Bar Code Pioneer George Laurer Dies at 94” by Daniel B. Kline, The Motley Fool, December 2019
          • Universal Product Code (UPC): “A Brief History of Barcodes” by Stephen Slaybaugh, Tom’s Guide, June 2019
          • GS1: “The History of Barcodes: From 1D to 2D and Beyond” by Jessica Thiefels, Business News Daily, January 2021
          • QR code: “QR Code Creator Talks About Its History, Future” by Chris Velazco, Wired, February 2011
          • Data Matrix code: “The History of Barcodes: From 1D to 2D and Beyond” by Jessica Thiefels, Business News Daily, January 2021
          • Global Trade Item Number (GTIN): GS1 website, accessed April 2023

          Where To Buy ASIN Codes for Amazon

          ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) codes are unique codes assigned by Amazon to each product listed on the platform. These codes are used to identify and track products within the Amazon marketplace, and are necessary for sellers to create and manage their listings. In this article, we will discuss the process of buying UPC/EAN codes, which than became ASIN codes for Amazon marketplace.

          1. Understand the requirements: Before buying UPC (ASIN) codes, it’s important to understand that Amazon requires that all products listed on its platform have unique and accurate product information, including a valid UPC/EAN (ASIN) code. This includes providing a product title, description, and images that accurately represent the product being sold.
          2. Identify the need: If you are planning to sell a new product on Amazon, it’s important to determine whether the product already has an ASIN code assigned to it. If the product is already listed on Amazon, you can simply use the existing ASIN code and join the listing. However, if the product is not already listed, or you want to make new listing without competition, or create boundle/set/kit of products – you will need to purchase a new UPC/EAN (ASIN) code.
          3. Research ASIN (UPC/EAN) code providers: There are several companies and websites that sell UPC/EAN (ASIN) codes for Amazon. Researching and comparing different providers is important to ensure that you are getting the best price and service. Some providers may offer additional services such as product listing optimization or account management.
          4. Purchase the UPC/EAN (ASIN) code: Once you have identified a reputable ASIN code provider, you can purchase the UPC/EAN (ASIN) code by providing the necessary information and paying the fee. It’s important to keep a copy of the invoice and any other documentation provided by the provider in case of any issues with the ASIN code when creatin new listing.
          5. Create a listing: Once you have received the UPC/EAN codes, you can create a new listing on Amazon using the UPC or EAN code, which than became ASIN – internal Amazon inventory code. Be sure to fill in all the product information and upload high-quality images that accurately represent the product.

          It is important to note that UPC/EAN codes, which will contain your company prefix can only be obtained from GS1 sevice only. You cannot buy UPC/EAN ASIN codes from 3rd party sellers with your own company/brand – such codes used mostly for unbranded products and boundles. Many sellers shoose to buy UPC/EAN codes from resellers because of cheap price and fast obtaining process.

          Sellers who buy from UpcGo, can fast and cheap test new products/creatives, make boundles/kits, easy sell generic parts for auto/phone, acessories etc.

          In conclusion, buying ASIN codes for Amazon is a simple process that helps sellers to create and manage their product listings on the platform. By understanding the requirements, identifying the need, researching ASIN code providers, purchasing the code, and creating a listing, sellers can ensure that their products are properly identified and tracked within the Amazon marketplace.

          Need to try? No problem! Get 50% discount – just use coupon TRY50OFF for your 10 UPC/EAN order.

          Have a good sales.

          Changing a Brand Name on an existing Amazon listing

          Changing a Brand Name on an existing listing is often intimidating, even for seasoned sellers. When starting to search for information on this topic on the Amazon Seller Forums, one often comes across the advice to create a new listing and not even start fighting with Amazon support. Recently, Support has taken it upon itself to respond that changing the Brand name on an already selling listing is contrary to the Brand Policy, as it misleads buyers.

          A common situation for beginners is to change the Brand Name from “Generic” or “N/A” to the name you need. Why does this situation occur and what is error 5665

          When creating a new listing, novice sellers encounter Error 5665 when entering the Brand name they want. Because the name they enter does not exist in the Amazon Brand Registry database, the seller, in a hurry to quickly create a listing, enters the word “Generic” or “N/A” in the Brand field.

          Error 5665 only tries to convey to us that we cannot enter the name we need in the Brand field until one of two actions occurs:

          📌 You have a trademark registered in the Amazon Brand Registry.
          📌 You have permission through Seller Support to use the name you need (Selling application for Catalog Authorization)

          This is where the root of the problem lies – trademark registration takes time and money (especially for a novice entrepreneur). As a result, the seller enters Generic / NA, thus creating an additional headache for himself in the future.

          👌🏼SOLUTION: How to change Brand Name if you have already created a listing with Generic / NA in Brand field and you don’t have Brand Registry?

          ✅ STEP 1. Write to the Seller support service and get permission / exception to use your name. In the Subject of the letter, specify “Error 5665”. You need to send a photo of the product – photos should be as simple / lifestyle as possible (product on the table or held in hands accepted) and the main requirement – the name of your brand must be indicated on the product itself or its packaging (permanently affixed). Usually Support responds within 1-2 days and sends an email that you can now use your “Brand Name” and it is completely ready to be used on your account when creating new listings.

          STEP 2. Go to Edit Listing and try to change the name through the interface or Flat file. Usually this method does not work.

          STEP 3. Write to Support and ask “Manually override the existing Brand Name from Generic to >”Your Brand Name” on the listing/listings you need. You may encounter difficulties at this step – support may say that they cannot do this , as it is against the rules and will ask you to create a new listing. With patience and luck, they will manually correct the Brand name and within 2-3 days it will appear in all the required fields on all the listings you requested.

          This method also works for products/listings that have a GTIN Exemption and you don’t have a UPC code.


          How not to get into this situation in the first place and not create an extra headache for yourself?

          🚫Avoid Generic or N/A in the Brand field when creating your listings. This should only be used if you are really selling a no-name product and will not / do not intend to register a TM, do not plan to use your brand in the future.

          If you make PL, and the name of your brand is written on the product or packaging, there is a logo and all this sold via Generic listing – the buyer will expect a no-name product, and he will receive a set of plates in a package with the epic name “GAYLORD FUCKER”. This may lead to negative feedback and other complaints.

          Create your listing right from the very beginning!

          Have a good sales.

          What is UPC, EAN, FNSCU and ASIN?

          One of the important moments in the organization of sales of their products in Amazon is to obtain a special code that identifies it. When creating a new product, we also create a new brand, which means that the product becomes unique. Now I will tell you what makes the product unique and how to identify it.

          What is a barcode?

          To recognize the goods, use barcodes. A barcode is a graphic information that is applied to the surface, packaging or labeling of products, which helps to read information with the help of hardware (scanners). Provided in the form of alternating black and white stripes of different thicknesses. In general, this is the type of information provided by the encrypted code.

          What is the UPC and EAN code?
          In any product or its packaging, you can see a special printed code that encodes UPC or EAN codes.

          UPC or Universal Product Code is a standard American barcode for tracking goods in stores: It consists of a 12-digit UPC code with no characters or letters.

          The UPC barcode contains information about the product and its manufacturer. There is a UPC barcode and a UPC code. The difference is that the UPC barcode is an image of the horizontal lines and numbers below them, and the UPC code is just a set of certain numbers. You may need one 12-digit UPC code when placing an item on Amazon.

          If you plan to make sales on Amazon, you must first purchase UPC codes.

          The European EAN (European Product Number) is the European bar code standard for encoding the product identifier and the manufacturer. It is an analogue of the UPC standard for the USA:

          EAN also consists of numbers, but already in the number of 13 pieces.

          After a while these two systems merged into one service – GS1. If you, for example, are a manufacturer on a European scale and want to obtain a unique code from them, you must go to the link and submit the application: This is quite problematic and not cheap, so we are not particularly interested in this until the sales volumes are appropriate.

          How to get UPC or EAN codes?
          Get UPC or EAN codes is possible not only through GS1, but also through many other wholesale services that will be able to sell you codes much cheaper than through GS1. But here you have to be careful, because some of them can sell you already used codes.

          For sales on Amazon Europe, a 13-digit EAN is used, which is entered when the product is registered (usually the same UPC, only with the number “0” at the beginning).

          How many codes do I need to display my products?
          For each individual element, you need a unique code, for example:

          If you are going to sell absolutely identical products in 4 colors, then you need 4 different UPC-codes
          If you sell clothes, then each size needs a separate UPC code
          If things have different colors, UPCs for each of the colors are also added to the codes for the sizes
          In products that require more UPC codes, there is an advantage – the more codes you order, the lower the price for them.

          What is ASIN code?

          ASIN (standard identification number Amazon): it consists of ten characters (letters and numbers), you can find it in the product information on the Amazon page.

          The ASIN code is created with the product page. When you create a new product, you give the UPC code to Amazon, and in return receive two codes:

          ASIN when loading the product into the directory FNSCU, when creating barcodes for sending to Amazon warehouses.
          By ASIN, you can easily find your product by simply typing the code into the Amazon site search.

          What is the FNSCU code?
          FNSCU – The unit of service of the network of conformity network. This code, the analog of ASIN, consists of ten characters, consisting of numbers and letters. This is the product ID in the Amazon FBA and it looks like a barcode.

          The FNSCU code should be glued to all the units of the product you want to sell on Amazon, because this particular code identifies the physical product, not the other codes listed above.

          How to identify goods in Amazon?
          When you create a product in Amazon, FNSCU does not exist yet, it happens at the next stage:

          FNSCU is generated when the dispatch is created. At this point, we contact Amazon and report the delivery of our goods to the FBA warehouse.
          After that, Amazon gives us FNSCU codes in the form of pdf-files, which will include: a bar code, the code itself from letters and numbers, the name of the product, its status is new.
          The number of issued codes in Amazon will be equal to the number of goods that will be delivered to the FBA warehouse.
          Based on this, you need to paste the codes for your product, or pass the codes to your supplier and request their placement on the product and packaging.

          After the goods are delivered to the Amazon FBA, the staff scans it and sends it to the warehouse.

          Thus, the UPC code is unique for the product, and the FNSCU code is unique to the seller, that is, after scanning the code, you can find out which of the sellers belong to a particular product (or group of products).

          Therefore, it must be understood that each package should contain only one FNSCU code that is glued to all other codes for error-free processing by the Amazon warehouse.

          Buy GS1 authorized codes here:

          10 pcs GS1 UPC and EAN codes for Amazon (ASIN) Ebay Bonanza Itunes Google Shopping etc

          100 pcs GS1 UPC and EAN codes for Amazon (ASIN) Ebay Bonanza Itunes Google Shopping etc

          Have a good trade!

          How to Get ASIN – Where to Buy and Check Genuine UPC Codes for Amazon etc

          Universal Product Codes – UPC are 12-digit numbers that are displayed under the barcodes on many products in the US. They are issued by GS1 US, a non-profit group that sets international trade standards.

          How it works: The enterprises pay for joining the GS1 US, and in exchange, it assigns each member its own identification number, which appears as the first part of its UPC code.

          Companies usually need many UPC codes for every product they sell, even if it’s just another size or color. Therefore, companies will add more numbers to their identification code, issued by GS1, to identify each of their products. Each UPC can be used to create a single barcode, which can then be printed and glued to the goods or, ideally, included in the design of the product so that it can be easily scanned.

          GS1 The US collects membership fees based on bandwidth that starts at $ 250, plus an annual renewal fee starting at $ 50. The fee depends on the number of unique products that you sell. The participation form can be completed online at the GS1 website, You can check the already released codes in the same place (Section GS1 Company Database (GEPIR) – Search by GPIN).

          Another option: some Internet companies, including ContentCafe Pro, now resell UPC codes for less than $ 1, so small companies, such as vendors Amazon or Ebay, do not have to pay to join the GS1.

          You just pay for using this company’s identification number, not for your own. This means that the UPC of your products will start with the identification number of another company, these codes are also GS1 confirmed. This can be an excellent budget solution if you work with small or independent retailers, or simply you sell one or more products.

          When exhibiting a new product on Amazon, you “give” them your UPC (EAN) code and receive instead of ASIN – an internal unique code for your product on the Amazon site.

          Buy GS1 authorized codes here:

          10 pcs GS1 UPC and EAN codes for Amazon (ASIN) Ebay Bonanza Itunes Google Shopping etc

          100 pcs GS1 UPC and EAN codes for Amazon (ASIN) Ebay Bonanza Itunes Google Shopping etc

          500 pcs GS1 UPC and EAN codes for Amazon (ASIN) Ebay Bonanza Itunes Google Shopping etc

          Have a good sales!