Amazon F.A.Q.

Why do I receive an error when listing a product on Amazon?

“You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list..”

If you receive an error message stating, ‘You are using UPCs, EANs, ISBNs, ASINs, or JAN codes that do not match the products you are trying to list,’ it is likely related to brand restrictions (Amazon error 8572, Amazon error 5461). To check if this is a brand restriction, try changing the ‘Brand’ field to something unique. If the error disappears, it confirms that it was indeed a brand restriction.

In some cases, entering your store name may help, or you can use “generic” in the Brand field and don’t include registered brands in Title or Manufacturer, but you can include it in the item description.

The easiest way is to try entering your Amazon seller name as the Brand and Manufacturer. Or to simply reduce your seller name. For example if your seller name is Bobs Car Parts, enter the brand name as BCP or BCP1 etc. Also you can play around with this to get it to work. For example BCP may not work, but B.C.P. will. If that doesn’t help – try entering the brand as TBA or T.B.A.

In most cases simple words upc to 4 letters are fine, like Duck, Good, hill etc. Just keep trying until it passes. Amazon algorithm constantly changes and old word may not working, just pick 3-4 letter words to avoid error 5665 (long words must be registered).

If you try to use a UPC code for a product under any brand on Amazon, it will likely be restricted to prevent duplicates and counterfeits. Amazon shows this error because the UPC doesn’t match the brand. For instance, if you list an Apple phone with your own UPC code, Amazon will display this error because Apple has already assigned unique UPCs, typically unavailable to third-party sellers.

The solution is to enter your brand in the Brand field or leave it as “generic”. Make sure the brand name is not in the product title/manufecturer, as this can trigger the same error.

In rare cases, if the system does not skip “generic” in the Brand field, than just enter Generic, even without quotes and from the capital letter, and create an application for GTIN exemption for that “brand” – it will be aceppted automatically and you will be able to create listing with such UPC.

If the error disappears, it confirms that it was a brand restriction. Please note that you can always change the brand name back (option lasts for very limited time thou); it’s just a troubleshooting method to check for restrictions.

Another common reason for this error is related to Brand Registry. If you’ve recently applied for a trademark or brand registration (even if it’s not approved yet), this error may appear in all new listings. This happens because the GTIN you entered doesn’t match the registered brand. In this case, you can apply for GTIN exemption to bypass the GTIN and UPC requirements. Amazon will require you to lease GTINs directly from GS1 if you want to list under your brand. This applies only to Brand Registry and doesn’t affect listings without it.

In summary, this error can be caused by:

  1. Brand restrictions: Change the ‘Brand’ field, remove any brand names from the product title/manufacturer and see if the error persists.
  2. Brand Registry: If you’re part of Brand Registry, apply for a GTIN exemption.
  3. Creating variations with a different UPC prefix than previously created variations. To check this, create a new listing following our instructions and see if the error disappears.

If the issue persists after changing the brand and troubleshooting as mentioned above, please contact us with the following information:

  • What is the brand name and full product name you’re testing?
  • Do you have Brand Registry, and if so, when did you apply?
  • Are you creating a variation or a parent item?
  • In which category are you listing?

Once we receive this information, we can assist you further.

Has Amazon changed its policy? Will your codes still work?

Yes, our codes will work on Amazon. Contrary to some suggestions, Amazon accepts third-party codes. They change theit policy often, but the crucial factor is that our barcodes are GS1 verified and not “random codes” that don’t verify with GS1. Our codes are verified by GS1 and can be checked in database on their website, and are accepted on all major platforms and services, including Amazon.

The SKU does not match any ASIN and contains invalid value(s) for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN...”

The error message ‘The SKU does not match any ASIN and contains invalid value(s) for attributes required for creation of a new ASIN…’ typically occurs when you’ve recently acquired codes directly from GS1 and then attempted to create a listing on Amazon using a GTIN. Amazon support may not always provide relevant assistance and might lead you through automated responses without much help. This error is usually caused by a synchronization delay between the GS1 database and Amazon, which usually resolves itself within 5 days. If you’ve encountered this error, we recommend waiting for 5 days and then attempting to create the listing again, as the error should automatically disappear.

There are many discussions online about sellers facing this issue, and there is no real quick fix because Amazon’s support will typically ask for information like a SKU (which you don’t have as you’re creating a new listing). Their support cannot expedite database synchronization or allow you to create a listing through alternative means. Some sellers report that creating a listing through bulk upload might expedite the process, but we suggest following our instructions and waiting for 5 days after purchasing the codes.

If you need UPC codes, we recommend acquiring them directly from us to address this issue. If you choose to purchase directly from GS1, it’s advisable to give a 5-day delay, as this error persists, and we cannot predict when Amazon or GS1 will resolve the synchronization issue.

This ASIN has GTIN codes that do not match the brand associated to the ASIN..”

If you’re an active Amazon seller, you may come across the following message/error:

“This ASIN has GTINs that do not match the brand associated with this ASIN. GTINs are reliable data used to limit product duplication in the catalog and ensure their authenticity. We validate the authenticity of GTINs by checking the GS1 database and GTINs. We recommend obtaining your GTINs directly from GS1 (rather than from third parties that sell GTIN licenses) to ensure accurate data is reflected in the GS1 database. If you believe we removed your ASIN in error, please contact Seller Support here.”

There’s no need to worry – it’s simply a recommendation. This message relates to UPCs from GS1 and is not dependent on whether they were purchased from a third party or not. Amazon has millions of listings, and they frequently update their policies, often sending out automated messages. We’ve dealt with these errors from many companies, but there’s no consensus on why or when this message appears. In reality, this error most commonly affects users with GS1 prefixes. However, this message can be resolved, and we’re here to help.

If you’ve encountered this message, and your active listings have been blocked, and you’re our client, please pay attention to the UPCs and ASINs associated with the affected listings and contact us with the following information:

  1. Your exact brand name
  2. Your company name
  3. Do you have Brand Registry?
  4. List of excluded UPCs and ASINs

Again, all our codes will work on Amazon — we’ve been a leading online seller of UPC codes for over five years and are ready to serve you and your business. Despite some opinions in the Amazon seller community, purchasing codes from us is unquestionably the most cost-effective and fastest way to list products, and all our codes are sourced from GS1 in accordance with Amazon’s requirements.

“The SKU data provided is different from what’s already in the Amazon catalog..”

When creating listings, you may encounter this error (Amazon error 8541).

This error is relatively rare but can happen when you’re listing a new product, and your UPCs are already in use on Amazon. There could be several reasons for this, but the most common one is that another seller has illicitly listed products using your UPCs (through generators and other pirate software). Another possibility is if you had previously listed a product with the same UPC.

Note: All the codes we sell at are never reused or reassigned to anyone other than you. On the other hand, Amazon does not remove products that have been used with illicit UPCs, which can lead to errors on Amazon listings. Amazon is one of the few online marketplaces that require UPCs but do not address the illegal use of UPCs.

What other sellers say about 8541 Amazon Error:

I am 99% retail/store flips so all the stuff we sell is name brand stuff. Alot of times you coudlnt create listings with the real UPC, so I would buy pre-purchased lists of like 1000 UPCs you buy on ebay and use a slight variation of the real brand name. IE if it was say, a Hasbro Star Wars Black Series Action Figure, and i couldnt use Hasbro, I would use like StarWarsFigures or BlackSeries or something like that. Always worked for years and years.

Somewhat recently this stopped working – so Ive had to use Generic as brand and as MFG I can use something like StarWarsFigures (sometimes I have to try a few diff names but I just make something that is related to what Im selling).

As far as Title, its hit or miss. Sometimes youll get a notification/removal if you use brand name so you have to fix it/edit it. Ive found using the name with no spaces sometimes seems to get around the bot – hence StarWars not Star Wars, etc. But often I just dont put the brand name as thats usually not important at least for what we sell.

And in the bullet points I usually make one say “Authentic Merchandise” to try and ease concerns if someone actually notices generic as brand (I dont think most buyers really notice, they see pics and titles and know what they are getting).

Some other explanations and solutions you can also find on relevant resouces (copy/paste url text in your browser):



If the issue persists, you should try using a different UPC in your listing and see if the problem continues. If it does, you should contact us and provide the following information:

  1. The exact error message you’re receiving.
  2. The UPCs you’ve tested and whether they worked.
  3. The brand name and full product name you’re testing.
  4. Do you have Brand Registry, and if so, when did you apply?
  5. Are you creating a variation listing or a parent item?
  6. In which category are you listing the product?

Once we have this information, we can assist you in reassigning your UPC or provide guidance on the best way to proceed to successfully list your products on Amazon.

What about the warning in their Help section in Seller Central

We verify the authenticity of product UPCs by checking the GS1 database. UPCs that do not match the information provided by GS1 will be considered invalid. We recommend obtaining your UPCs directly from GS1 (and not from other third parties selling UPC licenses) to ensure the appropriate information is reflected in the GS1 database.

Important: All invalid product UPC listings will be removed and may result in your ASIN creation or selling privileges being temporarily or permanently removed. For more information on licensing UPCs from GS1, see the GSI standard website.

Let’s dig deeper into this statement to understand better:

Amazon UPC Verification. Amazon does have a strict policy of verifying the authenticity of the UPC codes of the products it creates. This policy is relatively recent, starting about seven years ago. Before its implementation, sellers could create their own UPCs without a purchase by randomly generating a check digit and continually resubmitting the check digit until Amazon accepted it. This new policy prevented such schemes, creating a more reliable market.

Conformity with GS1 information is not required. Contrary to popular belief, Amazon does not require that the information in the UPC provided match the GS1 database. The GS1 database contains unique information about the owner of the UPC prefix and its legal address. Amazon’s policy does not require that title/owner/manufacturer/company be matched to the GS1 GEPIR database. Simply having the code in the GS1 database is enough.

Amazon’s recommendations for the GS1. While Amazon strongly recommends obtaining a UPC directly from GS1, it is important to understand that this is only a recommendation and not a requirement. Since Amazon does not require seller product information to be reconciled with the GS1 GEPIR database, this is not mandatory. However, this may foreshadow a potential policy change in the future. If such a shift occurs, UPCGO will ensure its consumers are informed.

Intriguing Claim. The most notable and somewhat troubling element of the “Valid UPCs” article is Amazon’s claim that product listings with “incorrect” UPCs may result in temporary or permanent suspension of sales or the creation of an ASIN. However, Amazon’s system is designed to prevent invalid UPCs from being sent, making the listing with wrong UPC impossible. This may be a scare tactic designed to encourage strict adherence to Amazon’s “Valid UPC” guidelines. In reality, the risk of immediate suspension due to, say, an accidental UPC entry error is minimal.

In conclusion, Amazon’s main goal is to improve and streamline its operational processes, even if this places some burden on sellers. Amazon’s determination to eradicate duplicate products from its marketplace is clear. The easiest way for them to achieve this is to partner with GS1 and influence sellers to receive UPCs exclusively from them, sometimes through strong language. While there is a possibility that in the future Amazon may mandate the use of GS1 UPCs exclusively, for now you can confidently purchase your UPCs from UPCGO, retain ownership of them, and trust that they will function effectively when listing your products on Amazon.

Remember, Amazon doesn’t really care where you got the UPC codes, they still translate them straight into an ASIN for their system. The main thing for them is to prevent duplicate listings, i.e. so that there are not several completely identical products in the catalog. Therefore, it is important to follow the brand’s policies and make your listing unique – with generics and kits/boundles this is quite easy to do. And purchasing from GS1 Org is just a recommendation, not an obligation. All this is stated in their rules.

After all, you can always change your listing’s Key ID later and ditch the UPC by getting a Brand Registry on Amazon.